• Flax
    -11 year ago

    So what about Atheism then? You know, Maoist China, Soviet Russia and very arguably Nazi Germany

      • Flax
        1 year ago

        Identifying as Christian and actually being one are completely separate things. Hitler pretended to be a Christian in public yet hated it in private. Your own article even says this:

        Nazi ideology could not accept an autonomous establishment whose legitimacy did not spring from the government. It desired the subordination of the church to the state. Although the broader membership of the Nazi Party after 1933 came to include many Catholics and Protestants, aggressive anti-Church radicals like Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Martin Bormann, and Heinrich Himmler saw the Kirchenkampf campaign against the Churches as a priority concern, and anti-Church and anticlerical sentiments were strong among grassroots party activists.

        Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, saw an “insoluble opposition” between the Christian and Nazi world views. The Führer angered the churches by appointing Alfred Rosenberg as official Nazi ideologist in 1934. Heinrich Himmler saw the main task of his SS organization to be that of acting as the vanguard in overcoming Christianity and restoring a “Germanic” way of living. Hitler’s chosen deputy, Martin Bormann, advised Nazi officials in 1941 that “National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.”

        • lazynooblet
          31 year ago

          I don’t think whether they were really Christian or not makes much difference to the argument. Sure the top of the party may not have been devout church goers, but the population needed a religious edge to be pushed into war.

          So I ask myself: if the nazi were outgoing atheists world war 2 may not have happened?

          • Flax
            01 year ago

            It had little to do with religion, though. It was more to do with eugenics and science. There is no way you could justify the holocaust using the Bible.

    • Echo Dot
      31 year ago

      So you’re saying it’s impossible to be moral and atheist at the same time. That’s interesting I wonder how you justify the holy wars then?

      Get out of here with your nonsense. If you’re not going to engage in actual discussion just don’t start.

      • Flax
        1 year ago

        I literally never said that. I was pointing out how athiest regimes, upon the dismissal of God, still carried out genocide and murder. I was pointing out how the argument saying religion causes atrocities is fundamentally stupid.

        Any time I claimed atheism was bad was making a point to how another side of the argument can be made. Devil’s advocate, if you will.

    • @cm0002
      11 year ago

      WhAt AbOuT AtHeISM

      Stfu, I’ve read through your other comments and that’s the only counter point you ever bring up, and I said nothing about it.

      You’re trying to be subtle about it, but it’s still evident that you’re a run of the mill “Don’t turn away from god! You’ll go-to hell! Don’t sin! Think about ThE AfTErLifE! No sex before marriage!” Religious nut.

      You even have a comment towards someone: (I’m not going back to copy/paste so paraphrasing) “You’re telling people to prioritize 70-90 years of their life instead of eternity in the afterlife” yea no shit, our 70-90 years are the only thing somewhat guaranteed vs a mythical afterlife

      But as I’ve learned in my life, there’s no point in bringing up structured counter points with a religious nut as they’ll just constantly pull gotchas out their ass. So bye 👋

      • Flax
        01 year ago

        May The Lord have mercy upon you, my brother.