So it’s like the title says. I created this community to kinda fill the void from the reddit shutdown, and have no real idea on how to moderate a community like this, especially if it ends up huge like the one on Reddit.

Seeing as I have little moderation experience, if anyone is interested in moderating for this community just lmk and I’ll see about setting you up.

TL;DR - Created a potentially huge amount of work for myself that I’m super unfamiliar with.

  • sylver_dragon
    82 years ago

    Too late. Already subbed.
    If it’s any consolation, I created a community at And Just had to look up how to link to it. I have never been a mod, but figured someone had to do it. So, why not me?

    • Buck Fucket
      22 years ago

      Man, I was going to write this sweet script in powershell to grab ipconfig info and set ip, sub, Def gateway for use at work…but IT has powershell script execution blocked. Wrote it in cmd language instead. Wasn’t as fun, but got the job done.