By focusing solely on China or Russia and other state actors, Canada is missing the potentially far more troubling forces that proved so disruptive during last year’s convoy protest, Susan Delacourt writes.

  • SixOP
    2 years ago

    It really comes down to the question of whether or not non-state actors can conduct ‘foreign interference.’

    That is, if Joe from Wisconsin donates money to the trucker convoy that occupies Ottawa, is that foreign interference? Or, if I write an article on why Trump is a terrible thing for the USA, and post it in an American forum, am I conducting foreign interference in some way?

    To which, if the answer is “yes,” then are some forms of foreign interference acceptable?

    It’s kind of demarcation problem. Where is the line on all of this? In many respects, there is a global society where the lines are more ideological than they are geographical. When is it okay to cross those lines?