Edit: I want to say that if certain people weren’t dead set on trolling I would have engaged in the argument that the US is already authoritarian. I’m inclined to fully agree. The constitution was written by wealthy whites wanting to preserve their own power. They did sprinkle in some democracy and we do thank them for that. All this to say, that was never my contention.

Conventionally ideology is measured on a spectrum. If being moderately authoritian offends you, move the fuck left.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    The thing trolls never seem to understand is that it doesn’t matter if you’re being facetious or serious. Nobody cares whether you’re actually serious about whatever absurdity you spew. The function of a troll is not to communicate or convey anything worthwhile. It’s just humor below the level of a fart joke where you try to piss people off and laugh at them for being pissed off. And it’s not even clever. It’s just stupid. An effective troll would be nearly undetectable and ride the Poe’s Law line so well that others retain at least some amount of doubt.