The pastor tweeted in support of Uganda’s new “Kill the Gays” law.

  • @LemmynySnicket
    1 year ago

    True, which puts them above catholics in my book, but the Bible was cobbled together from any who wrote something they wanted (timothy is straight out), so we can assume either

    1. Man has screwed up religion except for the books chosen for the Bible and the translations they chose to use because God violated free choice just for that


    1. It’s probably as screwed up as the rest of religion

    Break just to try to make formatting work

    Even if divine inspiration comes into play instead of divine fiat. You still choose to believe the men in the room who had shown want to help themselves, decided to follow that inspiration. It’s possible, but I don’t find it likely. Theism or atheism is the only choice I can logically come to. Any book or religion just seems massively unlikely.