Fuck Israel.

  • @shalafi
    18 months ago

    I’m sure there are Hamas operators in the hospital. If you were Hamas, fighting an enemy you can’t face on a level battlefield, what else you do but embed yourselves in the most vulnerable part of the civilian population?

    And we can hardly ask Israel not to fight them.

    I’ve never seen a war like this, not in 5 decades. Both sides are basically terrorists, both are acting in rational self-interest, and neither give a good god damn about the civilians caught in the middle. I cannot see any end to this.

    • @dustyData
      8 months ago

      I’ve never seen a war like this, not in 5 decades.

      So, you haven’t been paying attention, have bad perception or are ignorant of history. Specially considering that this war, is only the latest round of a war that Israel started also roughly 5 decades ago and has already killed millions of people, mostly Palestinians.

    • @Linkerbaan
      8 months ago

      I wouldn’t be quite so sure. Hamas doesn’t hide in hospitals because they know that the second they do israel would use it as an excuse to bomb every single hospital

      They have kilometers of tunnel network. They don’t need the hospital to operate in.

      There is zero evidence of Hamas being in any hospital so far.

      The goal of israel is to destroy all hospitals and infrastructure and to kill everyone in Gaza. The Hamas thing only makes sense if they would actually find Hamas but they keep not finding any Hamas.

      Hamas is obeying the laws of war exceptionally well so far.

      • @Spiralvortexisalie
        28 months ago

        It was also the plot of the video game Conflict Zone, special units included Journalists and Civilian Soldiers, Popularity Points allowed you to expand your army.