I decided to start a new save and forgo the new expedition feature in the Anomaly. I feel like part of the fun is starting from scratch and finding shortcuts to get units, complete milestones, etc. Plus I often play my expedition saves even after the expedition is over.

I made it to Phase 3 before I quit playing today. Overall I like the expedition. Nothing has been particularly annoying but I guess that could change in the next phases.

How’s it going for everyone else?

  • @voracitude
    5 months ago

    Wait, what? You don’t need to do a new save, to start an expedition?! I’VE BEEN STARTING NEW GAMES FOR NO REASON THIS WHOLE TIME Oh okay that’s new, got it 😅

    • @NMSGalacticHubM
      45 months ago

      It’s a brand-new feature! All previous Expeditions required a new save.

      • @voracitude
        25 months ago

        Oh snap, I missed that in the patch notes - thank you haha!