My company offers 3 days of unjustified sick leave for things like colds or minor health issues that don’t really require seeing a doctor.

And sure enough, that guy - always that guy - got sick on Monday, then took a day off on Thursday, and now he’s sick again on Friday. Strangely, his company car reports being at a ski resort 200 miles away.

Because you know, when you’re bedridden, at least you should have a nice view out the window…

  • edric
    261 year ago

    I didn’t even know “unjustified sick leave” is a thing. It should just be are you sick or not, no other questions.

    • @[email protected]
      261 year ago

      I maintain millions of dollars worth of equipment and company data, yet you don’t trust me when I say I’m sick!?

      I had a violent gastro thing, vomiting and diarrhoea for two days, I could barely walk. When I called in on the third day, the boss demanded a doctor’s certificate. On being told that I couldn’t safely drive to the doctor, he asked “How will I know that you’re really sick?”. I sent him a photo of the contents of the toilet. He didn’t ask again, and never mentioned it again.

    • @vind
      81 year ago

      OP probably meant that they are days you don’t need to justify (doctors note) to your manager.

      • edric
        91 year ago

        Right, but what I’m saying is employees shouldn’t have to justify or provide a reason/proof that they are sick. If there is a set number of paid sick leaves provided, then let them use it. If they use it to take a vacation then have to take unpaid leave when they actually get sick, that’s on them.

        • @cmeio
          1 year ago

          In the country I am in there is no set number of sick leave days. With most companies it is 2-3 days in a row without a doctors note and if longer you need a note.

          What I always wonder, in countries with a set number of sick leave days, what do people do when they used all up and are still sick? I mean you can hardly go to work with Influenza or Corona or so, or?

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            I take my regular leave, or do leave without pay at that point. There was special leave for covid, not sure if it still exists though, and it might have been company specific.