Maxim Dounin announces the freenginx project.

As such, starting from today, I will no longer participate in nginx development as run by F5. Instead, I’m starting an alternative project, which is going to be run by developers, and not corporate entities:

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Actually, GNU is free software because it not only preserves the freedom of the user but it also preserves the freedom of the entire ecosystem. Lax licenses allow those freedoms to be taken away, a corporation can use that software to create a proprietary alternative and outcompete the open source one. With GPL, such maneuver is impossible.

    • @[email protected]
      Tiếng Việt
      1 year ago

      No, free software does not have any restriction in any granted right, it is a requirement if they (authors) want themselves attributed.

      GNU put restriction on modification and redistribution. Then they are just “open source”, then they have do define the term “Free and Open source software” which use more words to describe the same thing (assume free software = foss, because GNU always claimed they are making free software).

      With GPL, such maneuver is impossible.

      Much innovations is impossible.

      And such long word for a license, I don’t want it fill up my A4.