• @dustyData
    1 year ago

    My dude, cars literally have a part of them called “bumper” that is made of rubber. Hundreds of people die everyday in car accidents and thousands more have injuries. Cars destroy buildings, crash into homes and stores, run over crowds, kill pedestrians, destroy infrastructure and even catch on fire on their own, every single day, in the thousands. This isn’t even considering fender benders and near misses which are probably in the hundreds of thousands every day. If anything I think phone dropping is way less frequent than car accidents.

    And I’m only using numbers from the USA alone, now consider the whole fucking planet!

    • @Ravioli
      01 year ago

      Usually made of plastic, and not nearly the same thing as the ridges on a bumpercart. Besides, point being… It really is as easy as “just don’t drop it”. And yeah, “just drive carefully” would save a lot of lives similarly.

      • @dustyData
        21 year ago

        Just don’t die.

        Really, it’s as simple as just don’t fail.

        Just don’t have accidents.

        Just don’t get sick.

        Just don’t be sad.

        Just don’t make mistakes.

        Just don’t…

        • Norgur
          31 year ago

          Humanities biggest pitfall is the hypocrisy to believe one can control random chance…