Run, you fucking piece of shit. Go go go gogogogogogog!

My niece told her grandmother about her fear of getting murdered at school. Feel that fear, asshole.

  • @NatakuNox
    -105 months ago

    Apples to oranges argument and a straw man argument all in one. Bravo sir, brav-fucking-o. Yall never cease to amaze me.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      You could explain why, but that would actually take thought and effort and open your position up to being challenged, which is scary. I get it. Empty insults are much easier.

      • @NatakuNox
        105 months ago

        When a gay man “sets his sights” on you, death isn’t a possible outcome. So supporting gay people isn’t a life threatening position to hold. It’s just the right fucking thing to do. However, Being full on pro gun does come with the inevitable death of someone. This politician made it so the exact people who shouldn’t have a gun, would have one. If you are a responsible gun owner than good on you. Please by all means keep your guns, but is it truly too much to ask that you at least take the time to be background checked before getting another gun? Or maybe take a few classes on gun safety? Or be legally required to have it stored in a place away from children and the mentally unstable?

        • @[email protected]
          -25 months ago

          So supporting gay people isn’t a life threatening position to hold. It’s just the right fucking thing to do.

          It’s funny how often it happens that when someone falsely accuses of doing something, they are really projecting what they have already done, or are warning you of what they’re about to do.

          In this case, attacking a strawman. I certainly did not say that they are equivalent when it comes to life and death. It’s like you forgotten basic SAT logic (or whatever equivalent test you took). Square : rectangle is like murder : homicide. This doesn’t mean that I think all murders have 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.

          I was very clear I was talking about the implicit hypocrisy.

          And ftr, I’m a firm supporter of stronger gun regulations so the whole rant about what gun regulations you want has zero to do with the point, and reels of just pandering to the opinion of the typical Lemmy user.

          • @NatakuNox
            05 months ago

            you berate me for not fully explaining my position and then come back with a full explanation of your original comment? Just saying sorry I did see through your initial response and should have been more clear in my first comment. I’ll personally try to do better.

            • @[email protected]
              05 months ago

              you berate me for not fully explaining my position and then come back with a full explanation of your original comment?

              First, you were an asshole to me out of the gates, so expecting me to kind to you when you misrepresent my position is kind of bizarre. But never the less, you are correct I should have still stayed respectful, so I too apologize for my response.

              But this is what I do when someone doesn’t understand, whether it’s their fault or mine, I try to explain it another way.

      • @FontMasterFlex
        -15 months ago

        I see this soooo much on Lemmy. even more so than on reddit.