Dont know if anyone has any experience with this but i have a vpn plus account for 2 years and want to upgrade to unlimited soni can move my domain mail and stuff to proton. But i cant find any option for this or im blind. Do i now have to make a separate mail plus account? That would make the bill something like 380 euro for 2 years (since i already paid for vpnplus for 2 years) thats a little bit to much. Or is the only option to wait for my vpn plus to end (which is in about 20 months)?

  • PassingThrough
    121 year ago

    I believe all you need to do is attempt to subscribe to Unlimited, and when it breaks out the bill your current subscription will be subtracted as credits.

    There’s no Upgrade button, it’s just accounted at purchase time.

    I chose a couple months ago to upgrade from a year to two years unlimited subscription, and I actually had to drop to Mail Plus using my current subscription as credit, and then upgrade to the two year plan with credited difference. It felt hacky but it worked.

    • SteefLemOP
      31 year ago

      Ah ok thanks for the tip 👍