• Glitchington
    307 months ago

    “Have you tried making a checklist of bananas so you don’t hit them?”

    • @ickplantOPM
      137 months ago

      Y’all are making me lose it while I wait for my haircut. I’m getting weird looks.

    • @dumpsterlid
      7 months ago

      “Look, we could just take away most of the banana peels very easily, but it is (literally) a slippery slope accommodating people and where do we stop? If we take away the banana peels, what do we then take away the cannons that randomly fire at drivers from the side of the track for no reason? sigh We have to be realistic and it is much better for all of us to simply treat the completely unrelated and arbitrary skill of avoiding banana peels as the prime indicator of kart racing ability and if for some reason you are an an amazing kart driver but can’t avoid banana peels to save your life (are you colorblind? oops!) well sorry but life isn’t fair and there is nothing we can do (even though we create and maintain the conditions of the entire problem). Have you tried mindfulness meditating?”