My son is 4 and is now randomly saying I love you to me and my wife, and at other times giving us proper tight hugs. We are so buzzing about it. Ever since he was born we have been doing that to him as neither of us got it growing up so wanted to show him all the time that he is loved, and it really feels like all that effort and work is really paying off as he is such an emotional and lovely boy.

Just wanted to share as a super proud dad…

  • @Waraugh
    2 years ago

    I did the same and you’re doing great. As he gets older he will challenge you. Never withhold love, even if he’s wrong or makes a mistake. One day he’s going to screw up and know it. When he instinctively comes to you for a hug and reassurance that you love him, no matter what, even if he’s in trouble. That feeling just can’t be beat.