This season’s Rusical is set high in the Swish Alps, as a young queen called Mariah goes in search of a musical outlet for her inner freak. Legendary director Adam Shankman (Hairspray) guest judges.

  • @GlitterInfection
    51 year ago

    I usually don’t enjoy rusicals but this one was thoroughly enjoyable.

    I feel like Plasma was given intentionally a much harder role than everyone else to try and sabotage her. That role was obviously written for her to take. They always pretend to fight for the roles but it’s clear which ones production wants each of them to take.

    For plasmas role, the songs required more nuanced acting and the dance moves were way beyond what everyone else had to do.

    So I’m impressed that she nailed it.

    • Doll_Tow_Jet-skiOP
      31 year ago

      I am obsessed with musical theater so I identify with Plasma a lot. I really feared for her but I was so happy to see her absolutely smash that role. At some point I thought they were giving the win to Q so I was thrilled to see Plasma take it. Literally clapping at the edge of my seat.

      Megami gave us the best read of the season when she called Dawn’s runway from the previous episode Buzz Lightyear. Spot on bitch. And she was right in calling out the judges for praising Q for a choreo that wasn’t even there… I think it sucks she seems to have left pissed of. Mhi’ya did win that lipsync, there’s no doubt about that.

      Props to Saphira’s runway and acting. She had an amazing episode. I wouldn’t have been mad with a double win.

      As for Plane Jane. I honestly thought she would be in the bottom. She didn’t really stood out much for me, neither in the runway nor in the challenge. But by now they are going to keep her because she’s giving is good TV

      • greatquux
        41 year ago

        @Doll_Tow_Jet-ski @GlitterInfection Plasma was awesome, totally deserved to win. And Q and Sephira really were the runners up. Megami just looks like she doesn’t wanna be there, I’m sure she’ll be fine but I’m happier without her bumming me out. And Plane has been hilarious, very Russian; she was safe enough to not worry about going home or being in the bottom.

      • @GlitterInfection
        31 year ago

        I’m with you on Q because she did absolutely nothing with the role. Her runway was fantastic, but still not as good as Saphira or Plasma’s which probably put her in the top. But that was not a great performance and she wasn’t worthy of any of that praise for her rusical.

        But disagree on Plane. She had a small role and at least threw in some facial feature twitches that spiced it up. She was definitely safe compared to the three bottoms, but I’d say low safe.

        • Doll_Tow_Jet-skiOP
          21 year ago

          I’ll have to watch the rusical again (I was going to anyway) to see Plane. I’m sure she’s capable of serving a role, specially a villain role 😂

          • faticake
            1 year ago

            I thought Mhiya and Megami truly deserved bottom two, and I thought everyone did well in the Rusical except for them. I completely agree with the comment on Megami seeming like she doesn’t wanna be there. I actually enjoyed Morphine and disagree with the judges’ comments on her performance, but her runway was the worst one

            Plasma ate this whole episode and she deserves her ahem flowers

            • Doll_Tow_Jet-skiOP
              21 year ago

              Plasma ate this whole episode and she deserves her ahem flowers

              (In Jaida’s voice): Chiiiiiiild