Hey so I’m gonna be streaming Over on twitch at 1200 EST / 1700 GMT if anyone wants to see me get a little too giddy with some Durge evilness…

  • @Anticorp
    51 year ago

    Man, you really missed out if you quit there. The storyline is amazing as you continue through act 2 and 3. Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion each have absolutely crushing personal back-stories, and following them through to resolution was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever encountered.

    • FenrirIII
      21 year ago

      I’ll reinstall this week and try again. Maybe the break will make me less frustrated.

      • @Anticorp
        21 year ago

        Deaths are going to happen. It’s a hard game. Save often, pick gear that synergizes with your talents, make sure you have a full party, and re-spec your companions using Withers. Personally I think the game is the best I’ve ever played, and it’s the only game I’ve finished since Zelda BotW. I’m about to finish it for my 2nd playthrough here soon, and I never do that.

        • FenrirIII
          21 year ago

          I want to like it, but I hate save-scumming being almost required. I am a casual gamer, having to prep for every other battle or having to follow a specific sequence or needing a particular spell or pick up some random book that is actually important later just burns me. It’s frustrating to miss out on content because you aren’t following a guide religiously.

          • @Anticorp
            31 year ago

            You don’t have to do everything in a single playthrough. You probably shouldn’t try to do everything in a single playthrough. They added so much content because they want the game to be replayable. If you’re a casual gamer, then play casually and don’t worry about not discovering everything. Larian advises against save scumming and going back to a previous reload because you don’t like the outcome of a given choice. I’d recommend just playing organically and rolling with your choices. Leave stuff behind if you can’t figure it out. There are only a few sections where you may have to look something up to figure it out and progress forward. None of the optional stuff like the Necromancy of Thay is mandatory. You’ll be plenty powerful without it.