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    • @Dkarma
      21 year ago

      No shit where are the rest of these so called good Christians???

      • @20hzservers
        21 year ago

        Honestly not spreading hate and just trying to get through the day like everyone else, ex-christian btw. But my church I grew up in was good I just didn’t see the logic in the religion personally but the people were normal people. Don’t let vocal hatred filled minorities define a whole group of people. As long as they are not actively defending those hateful people they’re not really accountable for other actions.

        • @mods_are_assholes
          01 year ago

          As a Christian, I don’t think any of those regressives that trash all the values that Jesus spoke of should be allowed to use that label, the Bible clearly details that they will face judgment at the White Throne and be turned away as a goat.

          Jesus really only seemed to hate people puffed up on their self-centered pride and fucking usurists.

          And whoooo boy did JC hate usurists.

          • @Dkarma
            01 year ago

            You realize “Christian” just means u believe Christ is the Messiah.

            That belief doesn’t make you a good person in any way.

            • @mods_are_assholes
              1 year ago

              You really aren’t prepared for this discussion.

              All of your understanding of theism comes from snarky atheism memes and edgelads parroting gigacringe youtubers in forum comment sections.

              Salvation doesn’t mean you are a ‘good’ person, it just means you sincerely asked Jesus for the gift.

              Now, Jesus TOLD his followers to be good people, but it is not required to have, or keep divine Salvation.

              Regardless of your poorly formed personal opinion.

              And no, the meaning of ‘Christian’ implies action, to be like a ‘little Christ’, which is what the actual meaning is. You can believe that Jesus is the messiah all you want but unless you ask him for salvation, you are not saved, and unless you walk like he did, you are not Christian.

      • @mods_are_assholes
        01 year ago

        They’re all around but don’t draw attention to ourselves with blaring flags and bigoted slogans.

        Unfortunately a small portion of regressive Evangelicals are doing a great job making a fucktonne of noise and stirring up unbelievably large shitstorms to cover the fact that they are just a minority. A fucking annoying and loud one, but fewer than people think.

    • @mods_are_assholes
      11 year ago

      All the time, and some of them get pretty pissed about it.

      A lot are cool though, and some of them feel the same way.