• littleblue✨
    21 year ago

    What a load of horseshit. The shill isn’t even being masked these days? For shame. 🤦🏼‍♂️

    • @rdyoung
      1 year ago

      Who is shilling what? First off this is pbs which is known for its unbiased and fact based reporting and the metrics it refers to are ancient and trusted for consumer sentiment and economic health.

      This article is quoting facts so unless you are a trumpanzee or a maggat, there is nothing to argue against here unless you have a legit reason to not trust the indexes they are referring to.

      Here is one of the metrics they are referring to and as some seem to think, it’s not the stock market. The stock market hasn’t been tied to how an individual is doing in decades at a minimum.


      • littleblue✨
        1 year ago

        The economic climate they’re pointing to is directly tied to the fucking stock market — that rigged game that the vast majority cannot afford to even wager on, much less influence. Those metrics are “ancient and trusted” by the same groups that benefit from insinuating “forecasted” trends of consumers.

        Of course, the stock market is up! We’re funding two fucking wars, child. 🤦🏼‍♂️ You know what else is up? Houselessness, housing prices, cost of living, and laborer dissent, and sweeping fucking layoffs — to name just a handful of essential metrics absent in this claim above.

        You wanna swallow whatever half-truth they’re perpetuating, be my guest, but don’t drag anyone else down with you when they instead deserve the chance to DTOR. 🤌🏼

        • @rdyoung
          1 year ago

          Your first sentence tells me how little you actually understand this. The consumer price index literally has nothing to do with the stock market. The fact that you got stock market out of this assuming you actually read it completely destroys any reason for me to further this conversation.

          Here is the CPI https://www.minneapolisfed.org/about-us/monetary-policy/inflation-calculator/consumer-price-index-1913-

          Do yourself a favor and look through the list going back to the early 1900s. This literally has nothing to do with the stock market.

          You have a nice day now.

      • @Cuttlefish1111
        1 year ago

        Locally I’m seeing tent cities pop up in multiple locations. The cost of groceries and utilities have doubled. Rent has doubled. Mortgages are astronomically high. Wages are the same they’ve always been. But the stock market is doing good every one, no worries. Lol downvotes for reporting my personal experience. Fuck off

        • @rdyoung
          1 year ago

          You are not seeing them pop up. What you are seeing is what was already there and hidden by trees and other foliage or it’s a new location for some kicked out of another place. I’m seeing it all over my city and as soon as the leaves come back to the trees those encampments will be once again out of sight, out of mind.

          The number of people who are homeless thanks to the good economic situation we are in is not as many as you think. Most of the homeless out there can’t actually handle being under any one else’s rules and actively refuse help when it comes with conditions like not doing drugs inside or taking care of the place you stay, etc. Not to mention the fact that lots of homeless are transient and move around with the weather and opportunities to make cash to stay alive. Keep an eye on a few faces and you likely won’t see them for very long. You may even notice them come back when the weather is nicer.

          Rent hasn’t doubled most places. Groceries are definitely not up that much either, some goods maybe saw that kind of increase but on average things aren’t up that much. In my area I think rent has gone up by maybe 40-50% worst case and rent in particular is up because most landlords are greedy assholes and know there are plenty of people willing to make it work despite their actual costs not increasing.

          Mortgages. Tell me you don’t have any financial knowledge without telling me. Mortgages aren’t insanely high. The fed raised interest rates to combat inflation as they tend to do, those still paying on a mortgage at 3% still have the same payment. The ones paying more now are paying more because interest rates and property values are up. If you need to buy a house now, you can always refinance when rates drop again.

          I’m not sure why I even try to educate anyone anymore. Everyone seems to have their view of the world and they don’t let facts get in the way of their feelings.


          See above for the CPI that shows that we have definitely not seen a doubling of consumer goods over the past even 10 years, forget about the past few.

          You lot have a nice day now.

          • littleblue✨
            11 year ago

            Bullshit. You’re shouting rhetoric at anyone who interacts with this post, leaving no question that it’s propaganda. You can’t even form a coherent argument without suckin’ down that USA-brand Hopium©, FFS. Your flippant and baseless conjecture re: the houseless in general is disgusting to say the least, and shamefully uninformed at best. Other than that, you’re a needlessly spiny prick, so at least you’ve got that going for you, I guess.

            Maybe, just maybe, one of these days you’ll do honest research that isn’t solely to stroke your own narrative, but I doubt it. Jog on, gramps. There’s a nice hill with a view waiting for ya, just be sure to get both feet in. Ain’t nobody getting paid enough to tidy up after your dumb ass.

          • @Cuttlefish1111
            1 year ago

            Foliage does not hide our homeless and after many years this is a first for my neighborhood. Yes, everything has doubled regardless of your summary claiming the opposite. It’s always those damn drug users.