• FartsWithAnAccent
      1 year ago

      Are you trolling or just a shill for epic?

      Wrong. Steam is doing well because they invented a marketplace where other developers could sell their games with DRM and buyers could download them immediately from the comfort of their homes 20 years ago. They don’t need exclusive titles because they never had any competition.

      Steam did not invent online marketplaces for games, it existed for well over a decade before going all the way back to the Atari 2600. That argument is total bullshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_distribution_of_video_games

      I don’t understand what that has to do with anything?

      Sorry, I can’t understand things for you but it’s pretty central to why Steam’s launcher is better than Epics and it has nothing at all do to with Steam being some corporate giant because so is Epic.

      GoG is a side project of CDPR (much like EA or Ubisoft launcher) and I’m certain they don’t make much money, because very few developers want to sell their games DRM-free.

      Again, are you kidding me with this shit? Do you not know who Epic Games is? Here, please, give this a read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_Games You could swap out Epic for GOG and the statement would still stand. What an absurd point…

      You keep criticizing shit that you brought up as irrelevant when I show you that you are factually incorrect.

      I’m out, this is the most ridiculous conversation I’ve had in months and I have no more patience for it.

      Congratulations on becoming the first person I have ever blocked here.