[News / Eggstra Work]

The results for this weekend’s #EggstraWork shift have been announced. Here’s what you needed to get:

  • basic steelhead sticker - participation
  • bronze steelhead sticker - 143+ eggs
  • silver steelhead sticker - 178+ eggs
  • gold steelhead sticker - 217+ eggs

Let us know what you got in the replies below, I’ll be interested to see how well you all did (personally, I got like around 130 eggs, but I was playing with random players).

#スプラトゥーン3 #スプラトゥーン #Splatoon3 #Splatoon #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch @[email protected]

  • @MasterOfSpaceAndTime
    2 years ago

    I managed a 186 with a random team:

    1: 21 2: 45 3: 41 4: 39 5: 40

    Playing with my team of 3, we were able to coach a rando to follow our “plan” and regularly got on the 170-182 range by the last few hours. Mostly it involved luring the bosses in waves 3 and 4, but we couldn’t beat my 186. If we had a fourth team member I think we could have gotten the gold.

    Best round with my team was 182:

    1: 19 (we intentionally held this back to lower the hazard level in wave 3) 2: 49 3: 40 4: 37 5: 37

    I know that we could have done better in that Cohock wave 4 than we were doing, but we ran out of time to perfect it unfortunately.