Exclusive: Family calls for inquest, saying Wilkinson visited police ‘almost every day’ before she was murdered by her husband in 2021
Exclusive: Family calls for inquest, saying Wilkinson visited police ‘almost every day’ before she was murdered by her husband in 2021
Maybe if we took money AWAY from Teachers and Gave it to COPS they would FINALLY be paid enough to WANT to HELP people!
Yeah, fuck teachers, amirite?
Cops don’t care though, they get paid a lot in many places and still go out of their way to do as little as possible. I’m sure plenty of people know a cop or two personally that are great people and do help others, but the institution as a whole attracts the worst types and encourages unnecessary violent responses, it’s outdated and needs changing, the funding could be better served elsewhere.
Really, teachers? That’s who you want to go after? What about the politicians making millions at the expense of all of us, including teachers and cops.