• @Rapidcreek
    37 months ago

    I’m still not sure why you think Assange was treated unfairly when the law was followed. So I guess we’re even.

    • Flying Squid
      -17 months ago

      No, we’re not even. I gave an opinion. You made an incorrect statement you tried to pass off as factual.

      Any time you want to admit you were factually in error, go for it.

      But I won’t be holding my breath. This is the internet. Dishonesty rules.

      • @Rapidcreek
        37 months ago

        That’s pretty funny. You can’t support your fantasy but blame me. Typical.

        • Flying Squid
          -17 months ago

          Any time you want to admit you said something false, feel free. I realize that saying “I was wrong” is the worst thing a person can possibly do… but maybe don’t have that particular conservative mode of thinking and have some humility?

          I gave an opinion. Was that opinion based on incorrect information? Possibly. So far you have not demonstrated that to be the case.

          On the other hand, you stated something as a fact. You were shown to be factually incorrect. You refuse to admit it.

          Apparently you, like many conservatives, even though you are supposedly not a conservative, think that ever admitting you were wrong shows that you are weak. It doesn’t.

          I am guessing next up will you be trying to gaslight by insisting that you didn’t make a basic factual error.

          • @Rapidcreek
            7 months ago

            I see…

            Your opinion is not based on anything but a feeling.

            There are ramifications for actions. Trump will find his. Assange will find his. You’ll only cry for one of them.

            • Flying Squid
              17 months ago

              Yes, again, I understand that you think admitting you were wrong is a form of weakness.

              It still isn’t.

              And even if my opinion was based only on a feeling, you were still factually incorrect and you still won’t just do the adult thing and admit it. My god, what do you think will happen if you just say, “I was wrong.” Do you think the world will laugh at you and you’ll have to live like a hermit in shame or something? Is it really that scary that you can’t just say those three words?

              • @Rapidcreek
                7 months ago

                Hang onto to your feeling of being right. Gawd knows you need to.

                • Flying Squid
                  -17 months ago

                  Why are you being such a coward about this?

                  • @Rapidcreek
                    27 months ago

                    Kind of pitiful to start calling names, don’t you think?