I have used obsidian and excallidraw for my note taking, especially excallidraw for math where I draw with my tablet. But since I started using emacs for programing I would like to move to org roam for school notes. However, I have not found a good alternative program for obsidians excallidraw plugin (I find gimp a bit to big for my purposes).

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Gilles Castel (RIP) published a couple articles on taking math notes with Vim + LaTeX which I found eye-opening. In another article he posted about how he integrates Inkscape into the process. If you haven’t read the articles, they may be helpful for what you are doing.

    • @mvirts
      21 year ago

      Never used it for notes, but yes inkscape. Inkscape is much more stable than it was in the past imho.