Except all independent reports found both of thouse statments to be untrue, only Isn’treal makes those claims, they also claim that palistinians are animals, odd that they woud use such genocidal language…
WTF are you talking about? Al Jazeera literally live streamed it LMFAO. there’s no verified reports showing otherwise. If there are please send them over.
Odd they’d use the same language their enemies use? Not at all. If someone wants to pick a fight, they don’t get to cry when you fight back.
Except all independent reports found both of thouse statments to be untrue, only Isn’treal makes those claims, they also claim that palistinians are animals, odd that they woud use such genocidal language…
WTF are you talking about? Al Jazeera literally live streamed it LMFAO. there’s no verified reports showing otherwise. If there are please send them over.
Odd they’d use the same language their enemies use? Not at all. If someone wants to pick a fight, they don’t get to cry when you fight back.
Here you go a break down of proof otherwise ypu genocidal manach
Oh so now all people who use the same language are on the same side
Also share that message with Isn’treal when they started this with the Nakba