Added to 3.20:

  • New Missions - Salvage Contracts: Coverup

Marked as Committed for 3.20:

  • Arena Commander: Frontend Update
  • Arena Commander: New Racetracks
  • Arena Commander: New Horizon Speedway Rework
  • Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Jericho Station
  • Arena Commander: New Elimination Map - Echo11
  • Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Winner’s Circle
  • Arena Commander: New Map - Security Post Kareah

Removed from 3.20:

  • Ship Trespass

Link to the full Roadmap Update:

Link to the Release View:

Link to Spectrum Discussion:

  • @bobdylaaan
    11 year ago

    What a shame, losing the main good thing from 3.20… I really can’t stand Arena Commander :(

    • macnielOP
      11 year ago

      It could be that they can figure out the shortcomings and get it back on track for 3.20. But I doubt it tbh.