So I made a post earlier asking what small community people wished was on Lemmy and the top upvoted suggestion was:

One that shows big machinery. Like cranes, trains, excavators and stuff like that

So a made a sub with that topic and put some relevent pictures. I figure an XKCD style title would keep things light. Feel free to make this your own if this was your interest as I was just trying to plant the seed for some ideas.

Cranes, trains, planes and excavators and stuff like that

[email protected]

  • muse
    31 year ago

    I’d appreciate an active PCM that wasn’t a bunch of authrights cosplaying as the strawmen they hate

    • PatFusty
      -21 year ago

      You know that is also on the table. Problem is people on the left are too bitch made to discuss things with people on the right. So in the end, you get a narrative that looks more skewed to the right when it’s not.