• @NewPerspective
    47 months ago

    I’m glad God rubber stamped it as “accurate”

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -67 months ago

      What does God have to do with it? God was never discussed in the classroom.

      Did you read the article?

      • @NewPerspective
        57 months ago

        Of course not, it’s fox news spewing anti-LGBTQ bullshit. I don’t hate myself.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -77 months ago

          Good for you? You didn’t read the article because it’s about a wrongful termination claim. If you don’t find the topic interesting then move on. If you do find the topic interesting, read the article and make a coherent statement.

          • @NewPerspective
            77 months ago

            Every article you post is down voted to hell and back with no meaningful discussion. Your world view is shit. Your ideas are not welcome to anyone but the most echoing of chambers. You mod a community who’s most up voted posts call you out for the losers you are. I’m extremely interested in your world view returning to the gutter it came from.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -77 months ago

              So you think it is acceptable for a biology teacher to be terminated for teaching facts in the classroom? This explains why we have liberals serving me coffee at Starbucks when they claim to have biology degrees.

              If you think facts are scary, that is your problem and not a problem of the community.

              • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
                67 months ago

                So you think it is acceptable for a biology teacher to be terminated for teaching facts in the classroom?

                That is literally not what happened.

                  • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
                    47 months ago

                    It’s not, the dude is defended himself by doubling down on transphobic BS that he was alleged to say. He literally admitted it.

                    But you just want more culture war BS to validate your bigotry. You claim to want scientific accuracy, but since you yourself clearly don’t understand the science yourself it’s hard to take that very serious.

              • @NewPerspective
                57 months ago

                Keep telling me what’s facts and what’s not. 🍿

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -67 months ago

                  Do you disagree that in biology sex is determined by X and Y Chromosomes? I would love to see a citation otherwise as that is pretty undisputed biology.

                  • @NewPerspective
                    77 months ago

                    I bet your favorite flavor of crayon isn’t even a rare color.



                    “The slowly increasing understanding and acceptance of intersex people exemplifies how scientists and society still have a lot to learn about biological sex and the ways sex determination occurs in humans. Though biologists have an understanding that chromosome combinations influence the biological sex that an embryo develops as, biologists still know very little about the specific genes and mechanisms that control the sexual development pathway. Additionally, there are many factors beyond chromosomes that influence the sexual characteristics a person develops, and scientists are continually uncovering more intricacies in the development process. Finally, the events that lead to atypical sexual development have to be further explored.”

                    Fuck you.