After returning to her home planet Pandora, infamous outlaw Lilith is given a dangerous mission and forms an alliance (and potential friendship) with other criminals, including former mercenary Roland, demolitionist Tiny Tina and her protector Krieg, insane scientist Tannis, and the wisecracking robot Claptrap. The mission: find and protect the missing (and important) daughter of a powerful man named Atlas. But things may not be as they seem, as the girl holds the key to great power that can change the fate of the universe.

  • @[email protected]OPM
    311 months ago

    I was thinking to myself: could this be this generation’s Ishtar? Hudson Hawk?

    So much on-screen talent, all for something so excruciating unfunny.

    • ChihuahuaOfDoom
      511 months ago

      Wait one dang minute, what’s wrong with Hudson Hawk?