To kickoff the new community, I wanted to ask what everyone’s favorite hiking spots are around SLC

I haven’t been on many hikes yet, but my top 3 are:

-Bell Canyon (lower falls)

-Adams Canyon

-Heughs Canyon

I did Lake Blanche alone in February during a blizzard so it wasn’t super exciting (I couldn’t even see sundial peak 🙁), but I am going to go again this summer, and I’m sure that will easily take the cake for my favorite hike. We’ll see!

  • @Bristlecone
    21 year ago

    Lots of good hiking up in Ogden maybe 20 minutes north of Adams Canyon that you have on the list. Roman peak is absolutely insane, also Kings peak of course if you are into bigger trips! I always enjoy the living room hike just above the Red Butte Gardens as well if I’ve got a couple hours free