• @assassin_aragorn
    17 months ago

    I am tired of having the same exact conversation every day.

    Yall need to stop reciting the same verbatim 5 statements.

    Perhaps you should consider our arguments more seriously if a multitude of people are all coming to these conclusions.

    • @Clubbing4198
      7 months ago

      “coming to these conclusions” you mean being spoonfed non-critical rhetoric and then furiously regurgitating it

      • @assassin_aragorn
        07 months ago

        Or, perhaps you should think better of us, and not believe we’re just parroting a spoonfed belief. Try to understand the perspective of someone who agrees things aren’t great, but they don’t want it to get even worse.

        I can fully understand the perspective of not wanting to show any support at all for Biden. I don’t agree with it and I think it’s overly idealistic, but I understand the position. I know it comes from a place of genuine care and anger and concern. And that lets me have more civil conversations about this.

        • @Clubbing4198
          07 months ago

          I don’t believe you are regurgitating what the establishment wants you to. You simply are. Facts don’t require beliefs. I am not being idealistic. I am beimg practical. The administration lied to us, like countless before them. The vote from the people is not what matters anyway. It is not based on popular vote. More people voted for Hillary but Trump won the electorate. We are caught in the ratcheting toward fascism by two parties playing us for fools, making us think they are enemies when they are all working for the same empire. I cannot in good conscience vote for a man letting a genocide happen. I cannot in good consience vote in an election that i know will not stop the amerikan empire from accomplishing its goals.