Day 2 of owning a new (to Me) Lunt60 in preparation for the April 8 eclipse, first time posting here.

Lunt60 Single Stack+ ZWO 1600 Pro at 10C + Atlas EQ-G.

Acquisition in Sharpcap. 0 gain, 2.7ms exposure

PIPP: Cropping and centering

AS!3: selection of best 10% of 500 frames

ImPPG: deconvolution, sharpening, tone curve (inverted surface and stretched prominences)

Seeing, focusing, and pressure tuning were all suboptimal, but I’m still happy to have taken some data through the full process.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

  • @bistdunarrisch
    31 year ago

    Wow this looks amazing. If you don‘t mind I have some questions… I assume this was shot with an Ha filter to reveal the structure on the surface, otherwise it would be all white? Also what is the need of 10% of the images? Do you stack them? One exposure should have enough signal shouldn’t it? And last but not least what focal length does your telescope have?

    • @the0joshOP
      41 year ago

      Ha filter: yes, I used the Lunt60 which has two different filters, a tunable elaton that hones in on a particular wavelength, and another more broad filter that rejects the rest of the energy.

      10% images: the general term is “Lucky Imaging” but imaging things through the atmosphere is subject to seeing, or that shimmery effect above the ground on a hot day. The air is moving so it turns the atmosphere into what looks like looking at the bottom of a lake while ripples pass by, hence rejecting so much data

      AutoStakkert does some magic with multiple exposures that I still don’t quite grasp yet.

      My telescope is 60mm diameter, f/7, for a focal length of 420mm.