When you concentrate you also ignore stuff.

(we all concentrate, for work, play, reading, studying, school … we practice it in school … people who are good at it are “good workers”…)

But you call it CONCENTRATION instead of IGNORING because the stuff you concentrate on gets easy-to-see but the stuff you ignore sorta fades away (and then you stop thinking about it, and then it disappears).

The stuff you concentrate on is relatively small. A book. An idea. A game. An attractive girl’s butt. A plan for the future. A tv show.

And that stuff getting ignored is relatively HUGE. Like a whole invisible universe there.

It’s spooky when you think of it. Like a little bit of DIY brain surgery that everybody does but nobody talks about. Like we’re all a bunch of Harry Potters casting obliviate upon ourselves.

And then we forgot that we cast it, because it’s obliviate.

So tell me what you think.

  • originalucifer
    51 year ago

    i dont see anything weird about this. its just standard operating procedure for human.

    its like the idea that the ‘miracle of birth’ is magical… but how magical can something be that happens 5 times per second.

    • HobbitFoot
      31 year ago

      It is a standard operating procedure for most animals with higher level thinking.

      Animals don’t have multi core processors able to handle multiple high level activities.