Basically looking a calandar that stays on the deaktop, and can show events (Otherwise I’d just use a wallpaper). I don’t need much interaction with it, if any, essentially just open the actaul calandar program. Sync with iCal is a big plus.

While FOSS is ideal, I’m open to anything free (that can be firewalled or is actually private (unlikely, I know))

I found one that used windows 7 widgets, but it was too small and didn’t seem to work right anyways.

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    31 year ago

    I think Rainmeter is your best bet. I haven’t used it in a decade or so, so I have no idea how well it performs now, but it was the thing to have back in the good ol’ days.

    • @helpImTrappedOnlineOP
      21 year ago

      Ah, I forgot about Rainmeter…the most complex option for something seemingly so simple. I’m honestly surprised that a calandar widget isn’t a more common thing.

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        11 year ago

        For your needs, I don’t think it would be that complex, and it should be able to do anything you need it to.

        • @helpImTrappedOnlineOP
          11 year ago

          I’m not worried about, the more complex option is more fun anyways.