Few things have been as influential to modern storytelling as the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Here’s why we need more.

  • @dethb0y
    21 year ago

    I’m all for it, and i think we’re actually entering a sort of “lovecraft age” where unimaginable things impact our lives every day in large and small, visible and invisible ways.

    If the 1950’s were afraid of communists, and the 1980’s were afraid of consumer culture taking over the world, then the 2020’s and 2030’s will surely be concerned with “So an algorithm no one understands says i can’t own a house”

    • WytchStarOP
      31 year ago

      One thing I’ve noticed too is the trend towards conspiracy and paranoia. We’re living in a privacy-free age where everything is tracked and threats seem to come from everywhere.

      This tracks with Lovecraft’s cults and connections between seemingly unrelated facts. Season one of True Detective is famous for getting this paranoid atmosphere on a cosmic level. I just watched Something in the Dirt and it exemplifies this angle.

      We’re absolutely getting a lot more Lovecraft from filmmakers these days and with a much better understanding of what makes it work.

      • @dethb0y
        11 year ago

        Absolutely, could not have said it better myself.

        Not to mention the gigantic looming threats that we face - pandemics, climate change, species collapse. All of it just feels so perfectly lovecraftian and overwhelming.