
I’m comparing Lemmy Android app clients and I’m between Thunder and Voyager.

I noticed something weird with Voyager. There is this post it displays an image in the timeline using Thunder but it doesn’t in Voyager.

Is it some configuration that I need to tweak in Voyager?

Also, is there some config to display short text about the post if has image? Like some description below if available


  • @orangeNgreen
    41 year ago

    One of Thunder’s settings is to “Scrape Missing Link Previews.” I’m not a developer, and not too savvy when it comes to this stuff, but just throwing that info out there in case it has anything to do with OP’s question.

    • @aehardingM
      1 year ago

      Hmmm. So the app is making a request to the website by passively scrolling through the feed? That seems pretty bad for security/privacy reasons. I’d much rather see the missing thumbnail scraping fixed in Lemmy. And then it will work in all apps, and not have privacy issues.

      Edit: I made an issue: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/4468

      • typhoonOP
        31 year ago

        It seems that what first was a Voyager question became a Thunder investigation. I’ll ask in the Thunder community what is happening here.