Picked up a bottle of squash and got to wondering about the term “squash”, so I went digging around on the internet. Of course all the returns are squash (cucurbita) not squash the drink. Keep digging and more specificity and finally find out the obvious, “sqaush” is a concentrated fruit juice. No shit. Dig more and finally find out that it’s originally from a drink called “lemon squash”. Real helpful. So where does “lemon squash” come from? Who knows. There’s a curcubita called “lemon squash” that seems to be inescapable when searching for the origins of the drink.

So natives of where squash (drink) is common…how did it get it’s name? I await to be enlightened while sipping my Ribena.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Of course it’s an English 1.0 thing

    “Oi just pickin up a bottle a squash on me way home then. That’s good squash it is”

    • @Noodle07
      21 year ago

      With some non alcoholic cider and some flat lemonade?