The price may be midrange but the specs definitely are not.

  • @Eheran
    1 year ago

    A tablet from 2019 needed a different OS to still be usable today…? I have 3 people with Galaxy S10 in my family because of me, the latest one got one not even a year ago. They are from 2019. They are perfectly fine with stock OS.

    What does the extra free RAM help with?

    Do not get me wrong. We absolutely need to own our devices and be able to install whatever we want. Or repair it wherever we want or at home.

    • @MasterBlaster
      111 months ago

      Your tablets are premium line. Mine is an A series - budget model - so it was getting old when it was first released. I have an S8 now, and that will last longer.

      Freeing up ram helps in a few ways. First, you can fit more apps in memory, so less unloading. Second, more room for zram swap, reducing reliance on much slower static ram for swap, and prolonging the life of the sd chip, too. Finally, it means that massive spyware is no longer siphoning cpu time from user apps. It’s a win, win win!