• @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    I admit I’m a fan of Jon, well, at least in that I like his show. So I read your comment, and said “oh I’m gonna watch the video and then think to myself how this stranger is wrong.”

    I don’t think you’re wrong. I do agree that Jon missed the point. “TV” implies corporations and producers, etc. The audience question was about getting information from social media, e.g. TikTok, which definitely does NOT require journalism, education, or even funding.

    Yeah, Jon didn’t seem to take the question seriously. I mean I’m going to watch and probably like every Monday show, but he missed this one.

    • @phoneymouse
      57 months ago

      I think Jon didn’t give a good honest answer because the blunt statement struck him at his core. He may be aware that TV is dying, but he’s a TV man. That’s his identity. Hearing a statement like that on his TV show kind of put him on the defensive, hence all the jokes attempting to deflect. It felt like someone had kind of hurt his feelings with a criticism that hit too close to home. John may be able to make that criticism himself in a different context, but wasn’t ready for someone else to say it to him.

      • Altima NEO
        47 months ago

        I think it’s why after the fallout from Apple TV, he went back to the daily show. Meanwhile, you’ve got John Oliver well aware that the majority of his viewers are on YouTube and whatnot.