I’ve just started reading The Wager. I’m a sucker for ship based media, and I’m hoping this’ll be no exception.

It’s my third book of the year after previously reading both A Clash of Kings and How to get rid of a president

  • @Mr_Blott
    21 year ago

    Currently on the third book of J. D. Kirk’s Bob Hoon series

    I’ve never laughed so much at an audiobook in my life.

    Imagine if you took something like The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and made it really Scottish, extra violent and incredibly sweary. That’s Bob Hoon

    Female villain - “I’d ask you to join our operation, Mr Hoon, but I know exactly what you’d say”

    Hoon - “I’d tell you to shove it up your fish-hole, you badly-aimed batch of ejaculate”

    Female villain - “Well ok, I didn’t know exactly what you’d say…”

    • @filister
      21 year ago

      Damn, this sounds exactly like my next book, thanks for recommending it.

      • @Mr_Blott
        21 year ago

        Might be easier to read if you’re not used to the accent, but the narrator of the audiobook absolutely fuckin nails Hoon’s voice

        • @filister
          21 year ago

          I have never tried to listen to an audiobook. I am just afraid I will get distracted and miss part of it.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            That’s what the back button’s for. But if you’re interested in audiobooks at all, I’d suggest starting with a book you’ve already read that’s pretty low stakes. Stephen Fry’s narration of Harry Potter is excelent.