“Only because of that official investigation did Canadians learn that ‘over 5 million nonconsenting Canadians’ were scanned into Cadillac Fairview’s database”. Wow.

This Wired article is contradictory. The spokesperson says:

“an individual person cannot be identified using the technology in the machines. The technology acts as a motion sensor that detects faces, so the machine knows when to activate the purchasing interface”

I suppose it’s possible that a sloppy developer would name an executable Invenda.Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe which merely senses the presence of a face. But it seems like a baldfaced lie when you consider that:

“Invenda sales brochures that promised ‘the machines are capable of sending estimated ages and genders’ of every person who used the machines—without ever requesting consent.”

Boycott Mars

I already boycott Mars because they are a GMA member and they spent ~$500k lobbying against #GMO labeling – and they have been blackballed for using child slave labor – and Mars supports Russia. This is another good reason to #boycottMars.


Apparently a LemmyBug replaced the article URL with a picture URL. The article is here:


The vending machine pic is here:


  • @NounsAndWords
    631 year ago

    You know…I’m starting to get the sense that maybe the whole chocolate industry is not as fun and wholesome as the commercials would have me believe.

    • @Crow
      91 year ago

      I thought too but then I watched Wonka.

      • FenrirIII
        41 year ago

        Watch the original. It’s full of OSHA violations.