Hey Folks, thank for all the well-wishes last week!

I’m back home now and slowly starting up work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon again. Here’s an early look at one streamlining change I’m making to the alchemy system, meant to simplify a bunch of the higher end recipes: replacing catalysts with a simple energy cost.

  • Adel Khial
    11 year ago

    I think a Make-X feature to make many arcane/alchemical catalysts at once would ease the pain of making many complex potions or spells in one alchemy session such as before Yog fight.

    • 00-EvanOPM
      41 year ago

      Interface changes are also something I’m considering with this update. “make-x” isn’t very likely, but ‘repeat previous ingredients’ is, which is similar.

      • Adel Khial
        31 year ago

        That would be a great QoL change 👌