The people who say they need 3 cups of black coffee to start their day are just addicts with a high tolerance that experience mild withdrawal symptoms each morning.

If you feel like that, it’s your body crying for you to take a break.

If you like an occasional cup of coffee or energy drink to get through something, then that’s fine. But if you ever feel like one isn’t working like it used to, you should take a break from caffeine to reset your tolerance, not up the dosage like an addict.

  • @ericbombOP
    -111 year ago researchers identified five clusters,and muscle pain or stiffness.

    I would love to see what the withdrawals are for swimming.

    Yes, I will probably be bummed. But I won’t get a mood disorder over it unless I’m already unstable, or vomit. I’ll be sad not having something I like, yeah. Withdrawals from a stimulant is different than “I’m feeling sad chemicals because the thing I like is gone”

    It’s crazy that people are so determined to say nothing is wrong being addicted to a drug that they are refusing to admit there is a difference. I can also replace anything with other things. If I can’t swim, I can do other things I enjoy.

    • @Crowfiend
      31 year ago

      Who ever said anything about swimming? Are you just trying to deconstruct the points I made that you don’t understand? I mean you clearly have some kind of disorder, disassociative at least. Enjoy being constantly lauded for your understanding of sciences (or lack thereof).

      • @ericbombOP
        -121 year ago

        Things I like = won’t make me vomit or cause me physical harm for not doing it

        Caffeine = will cause physical harm/vomiting for not doing it.

        If you insist you’re right, I can’t make you believe.

        Also backfire effect is clearly in effect, me posting proof I’m right will just make stubborn coffee drinkers believe I’m wrong because of weird brain things. So that last post with evidence probably won’t sway anyone.