• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    If you can boot into terminal session, e.g. by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F2, you can try:

    sudo apt clean
    sudo apt -f install
    sudo apt clean
    sudo apt dist-upgrade
    sudo apt clean

    If sudo apt -f install doesn’t work properly, you can create an apt-cache folder on, e.g. your home partition, assuming this is the one with sufficient amounts of free storage.

    sudo apt clean
    sudo mkdir /home/apt-cache
    sudo nano /etc/fstab

    In the fstab you specify where this directory shall be mounted:

    /home/apt-cache    /var/cache/apt/archives    none    bind    0    0

    Now you copy the files in place and mount the partition:

    sudo cp -r /var/cache/apt/archives/* /home/apt-cache
    sudo mount -a

    Nou you should be able to run the fix-installation and update commands without the errors:

    sudo apt -f install
    sudo apt dist-upgrade
          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Do you have sufficient disk space now? Or did the mounting procedure work? Did sudo apt -f install work?

            • @[email protected]OP
              17 months ago

              Mounting and sudo apt -f install worked. So does stuff install in /home/apt-cache now? I do want to combine / and /home

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                My recommendation would be to copy your entire home directory with rsync -a onto another (external) drive, as you anyway don’t want to modify your partitions without having a backup. Then boot into a live distribution and open a partition editor, delete the home partition (the data on it will be lost), expand the root partition (/) onto the entire disk. Finally copy the backup back into the home folder using rsync -a