All seeds harvested within 100 miles and in same ecoregion. I have a nursery license and have sold some (at cost) at a few yard sales, but am looking to sell more or do a plant giveaway before winter. Have been looking for examples of others doing this and haven’t found much. Want to ensure people buying them/taking them actually plant them and have some education. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • @Hyphae
    12 years ago

    Have you kept track of the species and approximate quantities of each? A solid spreadsheet or inventory list that you can circulate to nearby groups or organizations would probably drum up more interest than random pop-ups or sales.

    • @PmmeyourtoasterOP
      12 years ago

      I have. With the local Sierra club and native plant groups

      • @Hyphae
        12 years ago

        If that isn’t panning out, you could reach out to local landscapers who specialize in native plant design and offer them a good deal, especially toward the end of the season. They may have jobs spec’d that they still need to fill, or be willing to design around what you have. In any case, I hope you can find good homes for them!