I’ve been working on this one for a while, and I’m happy I’ve finished it in time for the release of Dune 2!
The Ashworm Dragoon was a prestige class in DnD 3.5, meant as a “mundane” (as in, non-magical) special mount for fighters.
The two main hurdles when writing this class was finding a way to have the ashworm come back to the player in the event of death (most familiar subclasses in the game don’t have this problem, as the character has spell slots to heal/resurrect their faithful friend) and balance the burrowing speed of the ashworm (I actually found that the rules are a bit more restrictive than I thought, and I’ve added a few more to prevent strategies that the players could employ to cheese encounters using their burrowing speed).

Page 1 - class features

Page 2 - companion stat block

  • Aielman15OP
    11 months ago

    Update v2

    • Nerf: 7th level Terror Cry ability now affects creatures within 30 ft, instead of 60. It increases to 60 at 18th level.
    • Buff: 15th level Potent Poison feature now increases the save DC for the Sting effect by 2.
    • Buff: 18th level Hunter of the Sands feature now grants an additional +1d6 bonus damage to the ashworm’s attacks.

    This will probably be the final version of the subclass, as included in my Tavern Tales compendium. Click on the link to read the wondrous item related to the subclass, as well.