I installed a few different distros, landed on Cinnamon Mint. I’m not a tech dummy, but I feel I’m in over my head.

I installed Docker in the terminal (two things I’m not familiar with) but I can’t find it anywhere. Googled some stuff, tried to run stuff, and… I dunno.

I’m TRYING to learn docker so I can set up audiobookshelf and Sonarr with Sabnzbd.

Once it’s installed in the terminal, how the hell do I find docker so I can start playing with it?

Is there a Linux for people who are deeply entrenched in how Windows works? I’m not above googling command lines that I can copy and paste but I’ve spent HOURS trying to figure this out and have gotten no where…

Thanks! Sorry if this is the wrong place for this

EDIT : holy moly. I posted this and went to bed. Didn’t quite realize the hornets nest I was going to kick. THANK YOU to everyone who has and is about to comment. It tells you how much traction I usually get because I usually answer every response on lemmy and the former. For this one I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.

I’ve got a few little ones so time to sit and work on this is tough (thus 5h last night after they were in bed) but I’m going to start picking at all your suggestions (and anyone else who contributes as well)

Thank you so much everyone! I think windows has taught me to be very visually reliant and yelling into the abyss that is the terminal is a whole different beast - but I’m willing to give it a go!

  • @Nibodhika
    11 year ago

    I assume you’re talking about the “auto-update” drivers. That’s pretty standard Linux thing, everything “auto” updates when you tell your system to update, that’s one of the huge advantages of package managers, not sure which Linux have you used, but the vast majority of them do have a package manager that updates everything (including drivers).

    • yianiris
      01 year ago

      I have never used such a system, I don’t know of a single one, and I wouldn’t use such a system.


      • @Nibodhika
        21 year ago

        Would you mind telling us which obscure Linux distro do you use that doesn’t have a package manager? And how do you update your system?

        • yianiris
          11 year ago

          I have used apt apt-get, apk, pacman, xbps, and I have never encountered an auto-update

          Even dumb-gui like synaptics or pamac don’t auto-update


          • @Nibodhika
            21 year ago

            All of those upgrade the drivers when you upgrade your system just like I mentioned.

            • yianiris
              01 year ago

              Then what you consider automatic is a very unique perception of how things work.
              In a car automatic transmission means it shifts on its own.
              In a non automatic either you shift or it doesn’t happen.

              On most pkg managers YOU elect when to upgrade, the output is a list of “upgradable” pkgs, then you are asked whether to proceed or not. Nothing automatic about this.

              Auto update would mean software has been updated on its own without you authorizing it.


              • @Nibodhika
                21 year ago

                No it’s not, every sane person considers automatic to have little or no human interaction, but some human interaction to trigger the flow is still a thing, next you’ll tell me that an automatic weapon fires on it’s own will, or that an automatic garage door decides when to open. A single command that updates all of your system seems pretty automated to me, if not try doing your next update manually by downloading every single package from their source, compiling it if needed, and copying it into the correct folders, do that for every one of the hundreds of packages that get updates and then tell me that a single command is not automating a lot of that away for you.

                It doesn’t even work how you’re describing in Windows, you get prompted whether you want to update there.

                • yianiris
                  11 year ago

                  Yes, we insane people forget those little steps, you sane people consider necessary. You must plug in the chord to the wall and press the power button for nvidia drivers to be updated, while the rest of us consider automatic executing

                  apt update && apt upgrade

                  then Y for yes

                  You will sit here and argue endlessly on semantics till maybe someone says you are right?

                  I am insane and I have no interest in discussing anything more with you because you can drive anyone crazy!


          • Para_lyzed
            11 year ago

            It seems you misunderstand what the other commenter meant. By “auto-update”, they mean that the package is fetched and updated when you request your package manager to perform an update/upgrade (meaning that the user specifically requested the packages be updated, not that it happened on its own). This comes from my use of the term “auto-updating” in reference to Nvidia drivers on Windows, which will automatically check for updates on boot, in comparison to the closest equivalent with Linux distros in which the drivers would be updated by the package manager (but still do not require the user to manually install a new version separately, as would be the case if trying to use Nvidia’s official runfile installer). I grouped the Linux drivers from a package manager into the “auto-update” category, which I realize in hindsight is a bit confusing given the nature of updating through a package manager.

            • yianiris
              11 year ago

              As in non-automatic being the old fashioned way of downloading a tarball or cloning the git, compiling and installing.

              I was thinking more like the defaults on windows of doing upgrades automatically in the background, like a few GB every other week and if not on the desktop at the time or attempting to shutdown you may never notice.

              There is a trend for such in linux, some pkg managers or people even making cron jobs to have it done daily, or mozilla
              & others