• @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    I’m just waiting for all those Michigan voters threatening Biden right now to go through with it.

    I’m not American, I’d be really curious to see the shocked Pikachu faces when those people are rounded up and deported by the fascist dictator they’d be tacitly supporting.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      7 months ago

      I’m just waiting for all those Michigan voters threatening Biden right now to go through with it.

      I would be very worried that, in the state of Michigan, Trump racked up 750k votes while Biden was only able to drag in 620k. When you consider the 100k votes for “Uncommitted” and the 40k votes for Biden-alternatives, that’s not looking great.

      It looks even worse when you consider the 2020 results - 840k Biden to 577k Bernie. Joe looks like he’s hemorrhaging support in that state. Palestine very well may cost him the state and potentially the Presidency.

      Compare that to Trump’s 110k gain from 2020. Dude’s picking up speed while Democrats just kinda fuck around, waiting to find out.

      I’d be really curious to see the shocked Pikachu faces when those people are rounded up

      Governor Whitmer has been far more savvy in her outreach to the state’s Muslim community. I doubt she’d roll over to a Trump DHS trying to deport a big chunk of her constituents.

      But if you’re a Muslim down in Texas or out in Florida or Arizona, I would be feeling incredibly anxious.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Ah yes I guess they would have deserved it.

      Liberal and victim blaming, name a more iconic duo. People who vote for fascism are responsible for fascism. Quit blackmailing people.

      Also feeling “curious” at the idea of people getting shot is pretty psychopathic

      • @[email protected]
        -27 months ago

        Well ya, after years of warnings if y’all allow Trump back into office… you deserve what you collectively get.

        You can call me psychopathic, I’m fine with that. Myself along with the rest of the world will be watching America with baited breath in case it follows that loser airman and lights itself on fire because it fell for the bullshit.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Also i am not american either. It just hit home because the same is happening in france, with liberals using the far-right as scarecrow while enacting the same politics as them.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Come on buddy nobody deserve fascism. I know its tempting to get into this revengeful mindset but you cannot blame people not to vote for liberals either. Fascists are responsible for electing fascists, nobody else. And one might even question the free-will of the voter when there is so much propaganda around.

          • @[email protected]
            -27 months ago

            No, you’re actually a completely wrong here. If a fascist gets into office, it’s because of the failure of the society in general that allowed it to happen .

            If you don’t want a fascist to be the one running your country, then elect someone who is in a fascist if you’re going to come back with well, the laws are this and the gerrymanders are that… Well guess what You’re in the midst of failing to prevent it from happening. So grab those damn bootstraps and do something about it.

            I’m a couple of miles further away from a fascist taking off where I live, so I’m watching with fascination as you all clearly want to elect someone that hates you and will destroy the lives of many Americans. You’re welcome to do it and when the whole world blames Americans for the choice that America made, you don’t get to say that’s not my fault.

    • @Linkerbaan
      -117 months ago

      Trump won’t deport them.

      If people keep voting Biden then Fascism will grow in popularity. And the next more extreme Fascist republican that wins actually will.

      • @dvoraqs
        67 months ago

        If Biden wins again, that would put pressure on Republicans to reevaluate how they’ve been operating.

        That might mean doubling down, but it could also mean changing by shedding their most extreme views and candidates, and moving back towards the middle, or just eventually imploding and having another party take its place.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Can you name a time when a party significantly shifted their platform after a loss?

          Seems like “double down” is the only option they choose, at least in my lifetime.

        • @Linkerbaan
          7 months ago

          If Biden wins again like this we’re going to slide further to the right and the Republicans are going to get even more extreme.

          Trump is not the final form of Fascism.

          • @jwelch55
            47 months ago

            If Trump wins we slide even further than if Biden wins…

            • @Linkerbaan
              -47 months ago

              No it means that Democrats will need to be actually progressive in 2028 to win back votes.

              Unless you buy into the same 2016 fearmongering that Trump is going to end democracy (again)

              • @jwelch55
                17 months ago

                Cool, good to hear compassion for all those who will suffer in the 4 years until 2028

                • @Linkerbaan
                  -37 months ago

                  Good to hear your current compassion for Palestinians being Genocided with weapons supplied by Joe Biden.

      • @DeltaSMC
        37 months ago

        We should vote against our interest because if we don’t, something worse will come along.

        • @delaunayisation
          -37 months ago

          Have you thought about doing something else in your interest than just voting to legitimize your silly little empire?

        • @Linkerbaan
          -77 months ago

          You should vote for your own interest to make a point of where your priorities lie so the Dems will start to compromise for them.

          The Democrats are supposed to be a compromise vote not a fucking Hostage situation.

          • @DeltaSMC
            47 months ago

            I agree with you - it would be great if we could vote on policy and not individuals. (I say that, but I also acknowledge that in the past, majority rule at times had been detrimental to minority rights. But I digress.)

            Since the reality is that we vote for representatives, and in the case of the presidential election, should we not vote for the candidate that is most closely aligned with our own interests? I think we also largely agree on that.

            The critical point that we may disagree on is this. I posit that: If we ignore the reality of how our political system works, we ultimately end up losing our leverage to even make a point. You talk about making the Dems compromise, but if the Reps get into power, they sure aren’t going to compromise, but rather, actively work against our interests.

            • @Linkerbaan
              -67 months ago

              That is not happening if people keep voting Democrat while the Democrats refuse to compromise on anything.

              Let them work for the vote for once.

              • @DeltaSMC
                27 months ago

                I’m trying hard to find common ground here, but it seems like you haven’t read my response at all.

                Can you define the word anything? From my point of view, the Dems have compromised and shifted left on such things as legalization of same sex marriage, decriminalizing border crossings, higher taxes on the wealthy, access to cheaper/free higher education, reparations, trans rights, etc. Many of these were really not talked about in the 90s/00s or were actively disparaged back then.

                In contrast, I’ve seen the overturn of RvW due directly from a Trump presidency, continual climate change denial, tax breaks for the wealthy, environmental protections abolished, etc. from the R side.

                Therefore, I’m not exactly sure what you mean by making them work for the vote for once. Let’s say we didn’t vote D two decades ago, it would not have pushed into action many of the policies and rights that we enjoy right now. It seems more like, if we vote against the Dems, my interests will never come to fruition. Do you disagree? If so, why?

                • @Linkerbaan
                  7 months ago

                  Obama purposely did not encode Roe v Wade to use it as a carrot to force voters to keep voting Democrat.

                  Abortion rights are being lost is because the Democrats refused to be progressive and compromised with the Republicans on everything.

                  Biden voted against Gay marriage, trans rights and other issues for a loooong time until it started costing votes. When they started needing votes they started adopting those policies.

                  Even now Biden is not fighting for abortion rights. He is fighting for weapons to israel.

                  Genocide is a breaking point. A red line.

                  There is no compromise for Genocide. The Genocide stops or the Biden stops. Light that fire under Bidens ass so he makes that choice. No more fence sitting.

                  And that’s better for Biden too. The sooner Biden uses his power to stop the Genocide, the sooner he will get votes again.

                  All this bad Democrat publicity will disappear very fast if Biden fixes the issue. Ignoring it is not an option. We need to pretending it is.

                  • @DeltaSMC
                    7 months ago

                    Okay, so maybe we’re getting somewhere. I can see that you just described that the Dems can compromise (e.g. gay marriage), although you really want to frame it in the context of losing votes. Whatever, fine. I think we just agreed that Dems can compromise. That’s big.

                    Second thing is that it sounds like you’re a single issue voter. Or rather, this issue with Israel and Palestine, right now, is a roadblock.

                    Third thing is I want to set the stage and expectations first. You mentioned earlier about how Obama did not encode (I assume into law) RvW. Can we first agree that it’s Congress, not the president that has that power? If so, let’s move on.

                    Moving onto the Palestinian genocide, can we also agree that this is a complex foreign conflict? And that any actions, words, or even the wrong look our president gives will have serious, often unexpected consequences? If so, let’s proceed.

                    There are 2 expectations you need to set for yourself: what would you be happy with and are those things realistic?

                    For the first: since this is another nation, would you be happy with him denouncing Israel’s actions? How about invoking sanctions? Can you only be happy with things that he cannot directly control, for example, having Israel and Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire? Or Israel withdrawing?

                    The second part of this: if you want a specific outcome that is out of the president’s direct control, we need to do a thought experiment. What, specifically, would you say would be the actions that Biden must take (BE SPECIFIC) and at what time and at what location and in what order to achieve your desired outcome?

                    I’ll give you an example that you could mimic, if you want complete removal of Israeli troops from Gaza immediately, should Biden: 1) threaten Israel with reneging on military support, at 2) within 24 hours, and 3) at a press conference and live phone call? The consequences of this could be 1) Israel complies, 2) Israel is offended and ignores the demand, 3) Israel is offended and becomes an enemy. What are the chances that #1 is the outcome? And if it was, what are the global consequences of that? America just forced an ally under threat of not protecting them to do something it wasn’t willing to do. This proposal is terrible, and I think my made up expectation of immediate removal of troops through threatening Israel is not a good expectation to have. Your turn.

                    I really want to see your proposal of what Biden should do, with specifics, that would satisfy your demands. Please don’t cop out and just say “END GENOCIDE” without specifics. Global politics is hard.

                  • @jwelch55
                    17 months ago

                    There’s no compromise for genocide

                    Ok… so when Trump wins Palestine will be in a great situation right? Better than now?