[Disclaimer] - I am not an American and I consider myself atheist, I am Caucasian and born in a pre-dominantly Christian country.

Based on my limited knowledge of Christianity, it is all about social justice, compassion and peace.

And I was always wondering how come Republicans are perceiving themselves as devout Christians while the political party they support is openly opposing those virtues and if this doesn’t make them hypocrites?

For them the mortal enemy are the lefties who are all about social justice, helping the vulnerable and the not so fortunate and peace.

Christianity sounds to me a lot more like socialist utopia.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    The idea of abortion as murder is tracable to the black death when priests worried that a population collapse would cause disaster for society so it changed it’s teaching from the concept of “ensoulment” and being very abortion neutral to facilitating a literal witchunt destroying existing systems of female led midwifery to gain reproductive control.

    I fucking knew it. Now of course it’s a conspiracy theory, but I 100% believe that the major push “recently” against abortion and having that argument go into overdrive is being brought on by assholes that subscribe to the “replacement theory” idea that dark skinned people are reproducing faster than white people as they tend to use contraception more and therefore will make “us” the minority. They want to force white women to have every baby possible to try to prevent that from happening…

    • @Drivebyhaiku
      57 months ago

      In part. The other half is that Conservatives started courting Evengelical groups to make voting for them the “correct” thing to do. Abortion legalization was championed by the left but the Catholic Church had some remaining abstention held over by essentially a political decision that had been cannonized as an official spiritual stance on the idea of the soul. Conservatives tend to think like marketing experts and they know abortion and the nature of the soul is a core belief not easily shaken thus they were able to make their platform a matter of “life and death” harnessing the empathy people had for the idea of babies… Very specifically the idea of babies, the soft squishy humans whom we are programmed instinctually to protect.

      It also dovetailed nicely into purity doctrine. The idea you are enabling the sexual deviancey of loose women… The idea that a fetus is a souless empty blob as the majority idea was for the first thousand years of Christianity got in the way of the advertising campaign and the Catholic Church wasn’t about to roll back the precedent decision it has upheld for centuries. That would make the idea seem kind of arbitrary… and once you start unpicking the history of Catholic control measures it weakens the vwey idea of them as a spiritual authority.