• Sybil
    2110 months ago

    When someone writes a reply asking for a source, did they actually do a short Google-search related to the claim?

    no one is responsible for supporting our argument except you.

    • RBG
      1310 months ago

      Yeah, I feel the same. If you are making claims with no source people should be allowed to ask for the source without needing to look themselves.

      • @PDFuego
        1610 months ago

        Exactly. If I ask someone for a source on something I feel is wrong it’s because I specifically want to know the information they’re working from. If I look it up straight away and send them a link that says they’re wrong straight out of the gate they aren’t even going to open it.

      • @Cryophilia
        510 months ago

        Do you have any evidence supporting your position that this is the proper way to debate a sealion?