• TruthAintEasy
    1 year ago

    The thing I like about Bogurt is that she just cant help but be hillariously unhinged and corrupt. If life was a comedy movie and not a tragedy reality she would be my favorite character for being too stupid to get anything right and just failing upwards anyways. Her and Marjorine Turning Greene would be good as co-antagonists (theres no good guys in this hypothetical movie) in an american pie style movie focused on gross cougars trying to reclaim their lost feelings of youth and relevancy

    Sadly in reality she represents the rot of our society

    Edit: forgot to add, they are so tone deaf they keep making Biden sound cooler and cooler. Why not just call him the Godfather at this point?

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Because what it’s in response to is so high class?

          They took the let’s go Brandon meme, added some actual humor and cleverness, and rolled with it. Sure, I would love to live in a world where you didn’t have to lower yourself to play someone else’s game, but when you’ve got millions of people who think they’re being clever by saying “Let’s go Brandon” instead of “Fuck Joe Biden”, I think Dark Brandon is the perfect response.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I saw somebody wearing a “Let’s go Brandon” shirt at an Incubus concert and I was really confused.

            Like…is he a Trumper, or is his shirt just cheering for the singer? 🧐

          • Deceptichum
            1 year ago

            It’s Pokémon Go to the polls level of cringe.

            Guess what, when people say lets go Brandon, you can just say fuck Trump. You don’t need cringe coded phrases to show how cool your pick is, they don’t give a shit. You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme.

            There’s nothing funny or clever about it, it’s just lame and it makes people who say it look like as much of a deranged cultist as a Trump supporter.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              41 year ago

              The point of it is to mock the fascist talking point. Humor is a powerful weapon.

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme

              They’ve already shown that nothing up to and including Trump literally murdering their family members would convert them. Of course a meme isn’t going to, it’s not about that. It’s about taking something they think they’re being clever about and turning it back on them in an actual clever way. If the Dark Brandon memes were started in a void, I might agree with you that they were dumb, but as a reply to the LGB meme, I think they’re excellent.

              There’s nothing funny or clever about it

              I mean, humor is subjective, but I gotta say you’re most likely in the minority of people with average or above average intelligence (aka non-Trump voters) with that opinion. To be honest, I checked your post history to see if you were one of them because you are giving off that iq-is-slightly-lower-than-room-temp vibe here.